atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation Overview

Atrial fibrillation is a irregular heart disease. Nearly 2.7 million U.S citizens are living with Atrial fibrillation.

Atrial fibrillation (Afib) can cause blood clots by creating an abnormal and sometimes very rapid rhythm in the heart. A-fib Increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and other complications.

Atrial fibrillation (or irregular heartbeat) can cause a quivering, irregular, or even fatal condition called blood clots, stroke, and other complications.

Atrial fibrillation is when the upper chambers of the heart (the atria), beat irregularly and chaotically — out of sync (the ventricles). For many people, A-fib You may not have any symptoms. However, A-fib This could cause a rapid, pounding heartbeat (palpitations), breathlessness or weakness.

Atrial fibrillation episodes can be brief or persistent. However, A-fib Although it isn’t usually life-threatening, stroke prevention treatment is necessary.

Atrial fibrillation treatment may include medication, therapy to reset your heart rhythm, and catheter procedures to block the faulty heart signals.

Atrial fibrillation can also be caused by a heart rhythm problem called atrial Flutter. Atrial flutter can be treated in the same way as atrial fibrillation, although it is a different arrhythmia.

What happens to patients during Atrial fibrillation (AFib)?

in normal conditions, our heart contracts and relax at normal heart beat but patient suffering from Atrial fibrillation has different conditions. The upper chamber of the heart(artria) beats very irregularly and improper functioning of heart affects moving the blood in to  ventricles.

In some conditions, blood clot break off and enters the bloodstream and blocks the blood flow leading to stroke or paralysis. The patient suffering from the stroke have arrhythmia and that’s the main reason patients are prescribed for “blood thinners”.

What are the symptoms of Atrial fibrillation?

There are strong associations between atrial fibrillation and other cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, heart failure, coronary artery disease, CAD, valvular heart disease and diabetes mellitus. 

 Although the exact mechanism of AF is not known, intensive research is underway to determine its causes. AF is promoted by catecholamine excess, hemodynamic stress and atrial ischemia.

A few people with atrial fibrillation (Afib), don’t experience any symptoms. Atrial fibrillation symptoms can include:

  • Feelings of a rapid, fluttering, or pounding heartbeat (palpitations).
  • Severe Chest pain
  • Feeling Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness
  • Exercise ability is reduced
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Weakness
  • Fever

Types of Atrial fibrillation:-

Atrial fibrillation may be:

  • Occasional (paroxysmal ventricular fibrillation). A-fib The symptoms can last from a few minutes up to several hours. Sometimes symptoms can last for weeks and sometimes they may occur repeatedly. Sometimes symptoms will disappear on their own. People with occasional symptoms may be able to live normally. A-fib You will need to be treated.
  • Persistent. This type of atrial fibrillation causes the heart rhythm to stop normalizing. A person with atrial fibrillation may have: A-fib To restore and maintain normal heart rhythm, you may need to use cardioversion or medication.
  • Persistent and long-lasting. This form of atrial fibrillation lasts for more than 12 months.
  • Permanent. The irregular rhythm of the heart cannot be restored in this type atrial fibrillation. To control the heartbeat and prevent blood clots, medication is required.

What are the causes of Atrial fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation is more common in old age but it can happen to anyone. Any irregular changes in the heart can cause Atrial fibrillation.

Below are some major factors which can lead to Atrial fibrillation:-

  1. Hypertension High blood pressure for long periods can strain the heart.
  2. Pulmonary Embolis: A bloodclot within the vein that supplies blood to the lungs is a medical term.
  3. A-fib is more common in people with heart disease. These conditions include: heart valve disease, cardiac failure and coronary disease. Heart attack is also possible.
  4. Alcohol Abuse: While drinking large amounts of alcohol can put people at greatest risk, some individuals may be affected by even small amounts. A-fib can also be caused by other toxic drugs like methamphetamine.
  5. Family members with Afib(Gentics): Persons with a familial history have more chances to get affected from Atrial fibrillation condition.
  6. Sleep Apnea: This could increase the risk of developing A-fib, especially if it is severe.

Other factor that can lead to Atrial fibrillation are Long-term conditions such as thyroid problems, diabetes, asthma, or obesity could increase the risk.

Major complications of Atrial fibrillation

If not treated on time Atrial fibrillation can lead patients to life threating conditions such as:-

Blood Clots

If the heart is not beating in proper manner, blood can pool in the atria. These pools can also be the site of blood clots.
An embolus is a fragment of clot that might travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body and cause blockages. An embolus, which can block blood flow to the brain, kidneys, intestines, and lungs, could be fatal. A blood clot could lead to death.

A stroke is a condition in which blood clots block an artery in the brain. This reduces or stops blood flow to a part of the brain.

The symptoms of strokes vary depending on where they occur. These symptoms can include weakness in one side of your body, vision problems, speech and movement problems, as well as weakness in the other.

Stroke is the leading causeTrusted Source for disability and death in America.

Heart failure
Heart failure can result from A-fib, especially if the heart rate is high. The volume of blood between the upper and lower chambers of the heart changes for every heartbeat if the heart beat is irregular. If the heart beats too fast or irregularly, it can cause muscle fatigue.

The heart may not pump enough blood, and blood can build up in the lungs, and other areas.

The symptoms of any underlying heart disease can be exacerbated by A-fib.

How to reduce risk of Atrial fibrillation?

Studies have show that by brining several lifestyle changes a person can reduce the risk of Atrial fibrillation.

Taking up the nutritious diet, doing exercise regularly, limiting or stopping the smoking, drinking(alcohol) and reducing excessive fat, taking proper sleep can reduce the risk of Atrial fibrillation.

A person should develop the healthy life style where he should take healthy diet, exercise or walking( burning calories) and making heart to pump fresh blood in body.

Obesity is one of the major source of Atrial fibrillation so try to do atleast 3-4 times exercise weekly. Maintaining a moderare body weight and taking nutritious diet helps in reducing developing Atrial fibrillation condition.

How to Diagnose Atrial fibrillation?

Diagnosing Atrial fibrillation involves several steps. Your health care advisor will ask you some questionaries’ related to your health conditions, food habits & routine.

You need to share information about you dietary plan, exercise schedule, Alcohol Consumption, Smoking etc. Once the information is shared, your health expert will perform several examinations such as:-

a. Checking pulse rate.

b. Measuring Blood Pressure.

c. Listening & Counting heart rhythm with a stethoscope.

This exam will allow your provider to assess your health status and the way your body functions.

Atrial fibrillation can be diagnosed by testing

Your provider may also run tests to diagnose atrial fibrillation. These tests may include:

  • Electrocardiogram . The first test is the EKG. It is painless and takes only three minutes. It records and measures your heart’s electrical signal and allows you to check if your heart beats normally.
  • Electrocardiogram :- An ultrasound uses ultrasound technology to display your heart’s movements. It can show problems with blood flow or heart muscle contractions.
  • Blood tests. Afib can sometimes be caused by blood imbalances. A simple blood test can reveal your potassium levels and thyroid hormone levels. This will allow your provider to choose the right medicine for you based upon your liver function and kidney function.

Treatment for Atrial fibrillation

Treating Atrial fibrillation includes medication, therapies, lifestyle changes,

The major goal of health care expert is to control the heart beat, bring back it to normal and reducing the chances of stroke & paralysis.

Based upon your condition & severity, first Doctor will try to treat you with the medications

Afib treatment may include the following:

  • Rate control medication to stop the ventricles beating too quickly. Examples include digoxin, metoprolol, verapamil or diltiazem
  • Use rhythm control medication to keep your heart beating in a normal sinus rhythm. Procainamide and disopyramide are some examples.
  • Anticoagulant medication (blood thinners) are used to lower the risk of stroke and blood clots. You can use warfarin or warfarin alternatives, aspirin, or both.

You may develop Side effects with any medication. Side effects of rhythm control medications and rate control drugs can make your arrhythmia worse, or affect your liver, lungs, or other organs. 

Blood thinners may cause bleeding, indigestion, or even a heart attack. These medications have many benefits that outweigh the risks. So it always the best to discuss all side effects and risks with your doctor before starting the medication.

Surgeries to treat Atrial fibrillation

If medication doesn’t helps or you have the severe conditions of Atrial fibrillation, then you doctor may opt for surgery for procedure or surgery.

Electrical cardioversion “resets” the heart rhythm by using low-energy shocks it can be temporary.

The catheters used for Pulmonary vein ablation deliver energy to your pulmonary veins. This procedure can help you to respond better to your Afib medication. Some medications may not be necessary for the long-term.

If you have a slow heart beat, a permanent pacemaker might be used. It is usually only used in cases of Afib and other arrhythmias.

The left atrial appendage closing procedure reduces the risk of stroke and blood clots.

MAZE creates scar tissue which helps electrical impulses from your heart to travel the right way. The procedure is highly successful. Your provider may recommend this procedure if you have severe Afib symptoms, a history of strokes or blood clots.

When to see Doctor?

There is no fix specification to see the Doctor. If you have any of the symptoms & treatment on going. It is always advisable to see the doctor earliest so the disease can be treated with mild symptomps.

If you are already have the treatment going on, Discuss with your health care expert to discuss your regular checkup schedule.


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