Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia also known as low blood sugar levels is a condition in which glucose level is decreased in the blood stream below the normal value. Hypoglycemia can be caused by various factors which include overuse of certain medications such as medicines for diabetes mellitus, excessive alcohol consumption, and diabetes.

Recognizing symptoms of hypoglycemia and treating them on time can be a life saver. In this post we will explore top 10 symptoms of hypoglycemia at early stages and treatment. Let’s deep dive into the symptoms of hypoglycemia and their most common FAQs.


Top 10 Symptoms of Hypoglycemia


  1. Sweating and Clamminess 

Hypoglycemia in its initial stages presents as excessive sweating and clamminess. Patients who are experiencing hypoglycemia will perspurate even in normal room temperature. This symptom occurs due to the body’s natural response to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels). Hypoglycemia may be also associated with feelings of clamminess or stickiness on the skin.

2. Tremors and Shakiness 

Tremors or Shakiness of your hands may occur as a symptom of hypoglycemia. Tremors are the result due to low blood sugar levels in the body, which affects proper functioning of muscles, which leads to tremors or involuntary shaking of your body parts.

When the blood sugar levels return to normal then these tremors also subsides.

3. Fatigue and Weakness 

Patients suffering from hypoglycemia will experience weakness and fatigue in their body even after taking proper rest. Glucose is the primary source of energy in the body, but when the body has deficiency of glucose it results in generalized weakness, fatigue, and myalgia.

If you are experiencing unusual tiredness, then it is time to get your blood sugar levels checked.

4. Dizziness and Light-headedness 

Dizziness and Light-headedness are also the symptoms of hypoglycemia. These symptoms may occur due to decreased supply of glucose to the brain, leading to spinning sensation, dizziness and light-headedness.

If you are experiencing these symptoms frequently, then get your blood sugar level and CBC (complete blood count) checked by your healthcare expert.

5. Irritability and Mood Swings

Patients of diabetes mellitus have frequent mood swings and may be irritable because changes in blood sugar levels below and above normal range can affect your mood and emotional well-being.

Hypoglycemic individuals may get easily agitated without any cause/reason. So it is very important to diagnose hypoglycemia on time and manage effectively.

6. Hunger and Cravings 

When you are experiencing hypoglycemia then you have sudden cravings for food which are rich in carbohydrate and sugar such as junk and fast food. These cravings and hunger pangs occur because your body tries to compensate for low blood sugar levels. These food cravings should be managed with the food items which are healthy for the individuals such as fruits, protein rich items like egg, fish, cheese, boiled chicken.

7. Headaches and Difficulty Concentrating 

Headache and difficulty in concentration are one of the common symptoms of hypoglycemia experienced by the individuals. When the deficiency of glucose occurs in your brain it leads to a throbbing  headache and difficulty in concentration.

If any individual is experiencing multiple episodes of headache, then he or she should get their blood sugar levels as well as blood pressure.

8. Nausea and Vomiting 

Nausea and vomiting though not very common but are the symptoms of hypoglycemia which are experienced by some of the individuals. If nausea and vomiting occurs then the blood sugar level further decreases in patients which may be life threatening if not treated or managed in time.

9. Paleness and Cold Sweats 

Hypoglycemic patients will experience sudden pallor of skin along with cold sweats. Low blood sugar levels lead to decreased blood flow to the peripheral skin surfaces which cause pallor, cold and clammy sweats.

If you see any individual or yourself experiencing these symptoms then rush to the nearest medical care facility.

10. Blurred Vision 

Blurred vision is a common symptom of hypoglycemia. Lens of the eye is affected if the individual is suffering from low blood glucose level constantly. This leads to blood vision and difficulty in focusing image. If you are experiencing sudden decrease in your visual acuity, then it is important to get your vision and blood sugar checked in time.


Conclusion – h3


Recognizing and treating the symptoms of hypoglycemia is essential for timely management of this condition. Neglecting the symptoms of hypoglycemia can result in severe conditions and life threatening also in some cases.


If you are experiencing any of the Top 10 symptoms of hypoglycemia shared above in this article, then it is important to monitor your blood sugar levels and consult your healthcare advisor for diagnosing and treating hypoglycemia. Understanding the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia in early stages helps to take control of your health and treatment on time.


Next, we will discuss the FAQs for Top 10 Symptoms of Hypoglycemia


Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. What are the common symptoms of hypoglycemia? 

Ans. The most common symptoms of hypoglycemia are sweating and clamminess, shakiness and tremors, fatigue and weakness, dizziness and light-headedness, irritability and mood swings, hunger and cravings, headaches and difficulty concentrating, nausea and vomiting, paleness and cold sweats, and blurred vision.

Q2. How can I recognize hypoglycemia?

Ans. Early detection of hypoglycemia includes recognizing symptoms such as sweating, trembling, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, intense hunger, headaches, nausea, paleness, and blurred vision.  If you are experiencing these symptoms get your blood sugar level checked and consult your healthcare advisor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Q3. What causes hypoglycemia?

Ans. Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar levels can be caused due to various factors such as diabetes mellitus, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive use of OHA’s (Oral Hypoglycemic Agents), certain medical conditions, skipping meals or excessive exercise without proper diet, and intermittent fasting.

Q4. Are mood swings and irritability related to hypoglycemia? 

Ans. Yes, hypoglycemia causes mood swings and irritability in individuals because fluctuation of blood sugar levels in your brain affects its functionality which leads to restlessness, irritability, and mood swings.

Q5. How can hypoglycemia impact concentration and focus? 

Ans. Hypoglycemia causes decreased concentration and ability to focus because when the blood sugar levels decrease in the brain it impairs its function in the brain, which leads to low concentration, frequent headache and decreased cognition.

Q6. Why do I experience intense hunger and cravings during hypoglycemia?

Ans. During hypoglycemia, there is decreased glucose level in your blood. Glucose is the primary source of energy for individuals so when there is lack of glucose in your body, then natural mechanism of your body tries to cope up by promoting cravings and intense hunger for fast food, junk food,  or high calorie food,

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