Top 10 Foods to Avoid in Diabetes



If you have diabetes, you require careful attention to your diet. It is essential to include foods in your diet which help you to manage your blood sugar levels and maintain overall health. While it is important to focus on what foods to include in your diet for managing diabetes, it is also essential to know and avoid the foods which can adversely affect your condition if you are suffering from diabetes mellitus.


In this blog post, we will explore 10 different foods to avoid in diabetes to prevent adverse effects on your health and will provide healthier alternatives which will help you to stay on track.


10 Foods to Avoid in Diabetes 

  1. Sugary Beverages

Sugary beverages such as soda, fruit juices, cold drinks, and energy drinks should be restricted, as they have a very adverse affect on your health if you have diabetes.

These beverages contain high added sugars, which increases your blood sugar levels rapidly.

Instead of sugary beverages make some healthy choices like water, unsweetened tea, green tea, coconut water, or infused water with fruits and herbs.

2. Refined Grains

Refined grains lack natural fiber and nutrients. White bread, pasta, and white rice are all refined grains and should be avoided because they spike up blood sugar levels and lack nutritional value.

Instead of refined grains, include whole grains in your diet such as quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. Whole grains are rich in fiber and help in better sugar control and managing diabetes.

3. Processed Meats

Processed meats which are high in sodium and contain unhealthy fats such as bacon, sausages, and deli meats should be avoided. People consuming processed meat are at high risk of heart diseases and it can negatively impact your blood sugar levels and not good for individuals with diabetes.

Choose lean proteins like skinless poultry fish, and legumes to meet your protein needs.

4. Sugary Snacks and Desserts

Food products such as cakes, cookies, candies, chocolates, and other sugary treats should be consumed in very small quantities or should be avoided altogether. These food products contain unhealthy fat and they are high in added sugars making a bad choice for a diabetic person.

Opt for fresh fruits, sugar-free desserts, or homemade snacks using natural sweeteners like stevia to satisfy your sweet tooth hunger.

5. Fried Foods

Fried foods like French fries, fried chicken, fried meat, deep fried eggs, and battered snacks should be completely avoided because they contain unhealthy trans fat and high calories. Fried foods increase your weight rapidly and are bad for the heart(cardiovascular health) as well as worsen insulin resistance.

Instead of fried foods opt for baked, grilled, or steamed food to manage the diabetes and still enjoy the flavors without any negative health effects.

6. High-Fat Dairy Products 

Full-fat dairy products contain high saturated fat such as whole milk, cream, cheese, and butter. They can raise cholesterol levels in individuals and can develop the risk of heart diseases. People affected with diabetes should avoid high-fat dairy products and opt for low-fat dairy products such as skim milk, low-fat yogurt, or cottage cheese for healthier options.

7. Sweetened Breakfast Cereals 

Many food companies market their breakfast cereals as healthy choices but most of them are loaded with added sugars. These cereals impact your blood sugar levels and worsen your diabetes.

Choose whole grain cereals like oats or quinoa which do not have any added sugars, making them a healthy and nutritious choice for breakfast.

8. Sugary Condiments

Condiments like ketchup, barbecue sauce, and salad dressings such as mayonnaise often contain hidden sugars and are high in calories. They impact our blood sugar levels when consumed in excess. You will be surprised to know 100 gm of mayonnaise contains around 680 calories, which causes adverse effects on your health when consumed in excess levels.

Choose low-sugar or sugar-free condiments, it’s always best to make your own condiments at home using fresh ingredients.

9. Fruit Juices 

Although fruit juices are the healthy choices when compared to other drinks, they can still increase blood sugar levels due to concentrated sugar content in the,.

If you are diabetic, consume whole fruit instead of juice, because whole fruit contains fiber which helps in slowing down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream and helps to manage diabetes.

10. Alcohol 

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to instability in blood sugar levels and increases risk of heart disease as well. It damages your liver and worsens your diabetes.

Moderate or low alcohol consumption is permissible for individuals with diabetes occasionally but remember to check your blood sugar levels or consult your health care advisor.

Alcohol also interacts with your diabetes medication and can have adverse effects. It’s better to consult with a healthcare provider to understand the potential risk of drinking


For effective management of diabetes, a healthy diet is necessary. By avoiding or limiting the consumption of above top 10 foods, you can regulate your blood sugar levels and lower down the risk of complications.

Always choose a balanced and nutritious diet, and make smart food choices to live a healthier life with diabetes.


Next, we will explore 10 FAQ’s along with their answers related to our blog topic “Top 10 Foods to Avoid in Diabetes”


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are all sugary beverages harmful for people with diabetes?

Ans. Yes, sugary beverages are very harmful for people with diabetes. Sugary beverages like soda, fruit juices, cold drinks, and energy drinks are high in added sugar to provide instant energy which causes rapid spikes in blood sugar levels making them poor choices for diabetic people.

Opt for water, green tea, unsweetened tea, or infused water with fruits and herbs instead.

Q2. Can I consume whole wheat bread if I have diabetes?

Ans. Yes, whole wheat bread is an excellent and healthier choice instead of refined grains. Whole bread contains more fiber and nutrients, which help in controlling blood sugar levels.

Q3. Can I have processed meats occasionally in my diabetes diet?

Ans. Processed meat is high in sodium and contains unhealthy fat making it a bad food choice if you have diabetes. Instead of processed food try lean proteins like skinless poultry fish, and legumes, which are much healthier choices for individuals with diabetes.
However, you can have processed meats occasionally with portion control to satisfy your cravings but restrict to portion size.

Q4. Can I satisfy my sweet cravings with sugar-free desserts?

Ans. Yes, Sugar-free desserts are for people who want to manage their diabetes and weight and still satisfy their sweet tooth. However it is important to check labels and content of deserts, opt deserts which are low in carbohydrates to prevent any negative impact on blood sugar levels.

Q5. Can I consume low-fat dairy products in my diabetes diet? 

Ans. Yes, low-fat dairy products such as skim milk, low-fat yogurt, or cottage cheese are healthier choices for individuals with diabetes. Low-fat dairy products provide essential nutrients and have low saturated fat.

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