Symptoms of Diabetes



Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder which affects millions of people globally. Diabetes mellitus occurs when the body is not able to regulate blood sugar levels in it. Management of diabetes depends upon early warning signs and symptoms. If diabetes is diagnosed in time, then additional health risks and complications can be reduced.


In this blog post, we will understand the top symptoms of diabetes which helps in early detection of diabetes and starting the treatment efficiently. By understanding these symptoms, you can take proactive steps towards maintaining your health and well-being. So, let’s dive in and decode the language of your body.


Top 15 Symptoms of Diabetes


  1. Frequent Urination (Polyuria)


Polyuria is the one of the commonest symptoms of diabetes in which there is an increase in frequency of urination. Polyuria occurs because in diabetes there is excess of glucose in blood, which forces kidneys to work harder to eliminate excessive glucose from the body which leads to frequent urination.

Usually increased urine frequency is experienced at night by diabetic individuals.


2. Excessive Thirst (Polydipsia)


Increased thirst is also another common symptom of diabetes mellitus. The individual experiences excessive thirst and dryness of mouth even after drinking adequate amounts of liquid or fluids.


Thirst increases in individuals due to increased frequency of urination as the body tries to compensate for fluid which is lost through urine.


3. Unexplained Weight Loss


Weight loss is also seen as one of the early symptoms of diabetes mellitus. Weight loss occurs even after consuming the same diet and no change in daily routine of the individual. It is an alarming symptom of diabetes mellitus. Weight loss occurs due to the body’s inability to utilize glucose as an energy source instead it starts burning fat and protein from muscles for energy.


If you are experiencing significant weight loss within a short span of time then you should seek medical attention to diagnose diabetes mellitus.


4. Increased Hunger (Polyphagia)


Individuals who are suffering from diabetes mellitus experience increased hunger and late night cravings even after consuming their adequate diet.


Consuming high calorie intake occurs because cells within the body are unable to absorb glucose effectively, leading to deficiency of energy.  This leads to overeating and later on becomes one of the primary reasons for weight gain.


5. Fatigue and Weakness


Diabetes mellitus patients always feel tired and low on energy even after consuming adequate food and taking rest. Fatigue and Weakness occurs because the body struggles to produce energy due to deficiency of glucose in the cells.


6. Slow Healing of Wounds


If you are experiencing that your wounds, cuts, boils, and sores are taking longer time to heal than usual then there are higher chances you are suffering from diabetes mellitus. Elevated blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus are the cause behind the slow healing of wounds.


7. Blurred Vision (Diabetic Retinopathy)


High blood sugar levels can cause blurring of vision of the individual because diabetes mellitus affects retina and lens of eyes. Diabetes mellitus also affects nerves supplying vision to eyes.


If you are experiencing sudden vision loss or diminished vision then consult your ophthalmologist immediately and get your retina checked.


8. Frequent Infections


Diabetes mellitus reduces the ability of the immune system to fight against infections which make individuals more prone to bacterial infections and viruses.


Urinary tract infections, skin infections and yeast infections are very common in patient’s suffering from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Diabetes should be controlled with medication to prevent recurrence of these infections.

9. Tingling Sensations and Numbness (Neuropathy)

Diabetes mellitus when uncontrolled leads to nerve damage which is also known as Diabetic Neuropathy. Diabetic Neuropathy presents as tingling sensations and numbness especially in hands, feet, and legs.

If you experience such symptoms then get you blood sugar levels checked to detect if you are diabetic.

10. Dry and Itchy Skin (Dermatitis) 

Dry and itchy skin is also a symptom of diabetes mellitus. Polyurea can cause dehydration leading to dry skin. Poor blood circulation and nerve damage lead to impaired function of sweat glands making skin more prone to itching.

11. Irritability and Mood Swings 

Raised blood sugar levels can also affect your mood or emotional well-being. Individuals who are suffering from diabetes may experience mood swings, difficulty in concentrating and irritability.

12. Erectile Dysfunction 

Men who are suffering from diabetes can also experience erectile dysfunction which is a very distressing symptom of diabetes. Erectile Dysfunction occurs due to damage of blood vessels and nerves which are essential to maintain erection.

Diabetes management and controlled blood sugar can help in resolving this issue.

13. Fruity Breath 

A complication of diabetes known as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) can cause sweet or fruity odor on breath. In diabetic ketoacidosis there is insulin deficiency, which is needed to convert glucose into energy.

This condition leads to breakdown of fats and production of ketones. Immediate medical help is required if DKA occurs in patients.

14. Poor Dental Health 

Diabetic patients are at an increased risk of gum diseases and tooth decay as elevated blood sugar levels favors bacterial growth leading to dental problems. If proper oral hygiene is maintained then these problems can be avoided.

15. Increased Heart Rate

Diabetes can impact heart health by causing increased heart rate. Your heart has to work harder to pump blood into the blood vessels which are damaged due to diabetes. If you are experiencing increased heart rate constantly then you should get your blood sugar level checked as it is one of the early symptoms of diabetes. 

 FAQs About the Symptoms of Diabetes


Q1. What are the most common symptoms of diabetes? 

Ans. The most common symptoms of diabetes experienced by the individuals are frequent urination, excessive thirst, unexplained weight loss, fatigue and weakness, increased hunger, slow healing of wounds, blurred vision, frequent infections, tingling sensations and numbness, and dry and itchy skin.

Q2. Can diabetes cause mood swings and irritability? 

Ans. Yes, raised blood sugar levels can lead to mood swings and irritability in an individual. Thus it is very important to control your blood sugar levels in the normal range.

Q3. Why does diabetes cause frequent urination? 

Ans. In diabetic patients polyuria (frequent urination) occurs due to excess glucose in blood which needs to be removed, forcing kidneys to work harder leading to increased urine production.

Q4. Are yeast infections more common in individuals with diabetes? 

Ans. Yes, yeast infections are common in diabetic persons due to high blood sugar levels, which favors growth of yeast.

Q5. Can diabetes affect oral health? 

Ans. Yes, diabetes affects oral health by promoting bacterial growth in the mouth which in turn leads to dental problems. Regular brushing and maintaining oral hygiene can prevent dental problems and oral health issues.

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